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Keyword Research Workalong

Great News! You're ready to get your head around keywords! 

Here's what you'll learn in our two in-depth live training sessions... 

  • What Is A Keyword? You’ve heard people talking about keywords, but what are they actually going on about?  
  • How Keywords Work and Why You Really Need Them. You’ve been told you need to put keywords on your website, but why? Learn what keywords do, how they work and how, if you get them right, they work like traffic magnets on your website. 
  • How To Find Keywords For Your Business.  I’ll guide you through my simple 4-step process that will help you create a long list of keywords your target audience is actually using and which ones are best for your business.
  • What to Do With Your Keywords Once You’ve Found Them. Then you’ll learn where to put your keywords so they can get to work on getting you more traffic. 
  • How to See if Your Keywords are Working. I’ll show you how to track your keywords' progress. 
  • How to use AI for Keyword Research. This bonus training and prompt pack will cut out hours and hours of stumbling around in the dark trying to find your way to start the keyword research process.