7 Reasons Why Your Business Needs SEO Now More Than Ever!
Sep 06, 2022
OK, first things first! SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation, which is the process of well, optimising your website and your online content so that it shows up in the search results!
You want your website and your content, your blogs, YouTube videos, podcasts and so on to show up on the first page of Google, as this is where your perfect clients are looking for the answers you've got to the problems they're struggling with.
SEO includes all sorts of things like making sure you're creating relevant content, doing keyword research, structuring your website, so the search engines love you, filling out things like meta descriptions and page titles, as well as making sure your site loads quickly and is mobile-friendly.
Which is all well and good, but why do you need to bother about SEO?
Well, there are LOTS of reasons why your business needs SEO and today, I'm going to talk you through the most important, and I hope, convince you to take a deeper dive into this super valuable tool that will help you get your business to grow online.
Reason 1: SEO Makes Your Site More Visible
The most fundamental reason why your business needs SEO is that SEO makes your website more visible.
If you're not optimising your website, you're essentially trying to run your business in the dark, with the door locked!
Using the 4 pillars of SEO, you can make sure Google finds your website and indexes your content so that when people come looking for answers, yours is the one that gets put on the first page of the search results.
SEO is really all about making your business visible online, and once you start getting seen, that's when the magic starts to happen.
Reason 2: SEO Increases Traffic To Your Website.
Once you're showing up in the search engine results pages (SERPs), then you're going to start getting more traffic.
Traffic just means the number of visitors that visit your website or a specific webpage, and, of course, you want as many visitors to your website as possible, as this is how you start to nurture relationships and turn your traffic into leads and, ultimately, customers.
If you've got your head around the main principles of SEO, you'll be able to make sure that people find YOUR products and services when they search on Google.
By optimising your website, you'll have made it crystal clear to Google that you have the answer or the product or service their users are looking for, and you'll have made your website super fast and easy to use, so Google will be more than happy to reward you with a great ranking.
Reason 3: SEO Generates More Leads You Can Turn In To Clients.
Like I've just said, it helps you generate more traffic to your website, but you want to turn those visitors into leads and yup, SEO can help you do that too.
Basically, you turn a website visitor into a lead by making sure you create something of value for them and exchange it for their email address - i.e. a lead magnet!
Of course, you can also generate leads by opening up a conversation IRL or asking them to get in touch through your contact page.
So how can SEO help with turning visitors into leads?
Well, first of all, your website will be the one they find first, so you're most likely to get the leads as you're showing up on Page One of Google.
Also, your lead magnet will be super optimised, as SEO lets you understand the burning issues your target customers have, and you'll have created perfectly optimised content to make sure you can help them.
Also, you'll have used SEO to make it super easy for your visitors to contact you, and your content will be a lead magnet in itself!
Reason 4: SEO Boosts Conversions.
And yes, SEO can also boost conversions, or in English, it makes it more likely that a visitor to your website will do what you want them to do.
Conversion events include filling out a form on your website, downloading an ebook, subscribing to your newsletter and, of course, buying your course or signing up for a series of coaching sessions with you.
So how does SEO make it more likely that your website visitors will do as you want?
Well, first, you'll be getting more visitors to your website, so if you're playing a numbers game, you'll simply get more conversions.
And secondly, the visitors to your site will be more targeted, as your SEO has told them exactly what you do, so you have warmer visitors who are much more likely to want what you're offering.
Reason 5: SEO Gives You A Lower Cost per Acquisition
While we're in the land of metrics and measures, SEO also helps reduce your Cost Per Acquisition.
Your CPA tells you how much it costs to get a customer to take a specific action. That action might be anything from downloading your lead magnet or moving them all the way down your sales funnel until they buy one of your high-ticket programmes.
SEO helps you in a couple of ways.
First, as we said earlier, visitors to your website are more targeted. They know what your site is about as you've taken the time to optimise your website and all your content, so Google understands what you offer and puts you in front of the right people. These people are more likely to buy from you or at least sign-up for your lead magnet and enter your sales funnel.
And even more importantly, you're not paying out for ads. SEO is organic, which means you don't pay for your rankings which will have a hugely positive impact on your cost per acquisition.
Reason 6: SEO Improves Your Customer's Experience
Google love it when you give visitors to your site a good experience.
Think about it; Google is taking a punt on you when they suggest that your website is one people should look at.
Google's vision is "to provide access to the world's information in one click." and they want to give its customers "easy and speedy access to information without a struggle".
If they can't give their customers access to information without a struggle, they will go elsewhere.
So, if you help Google by making sure visitors to the sites they've suggested their users visit are easy to access and navigate and filled with rich, useful content, Google will thank you by giving you a healthy ranking.
It's a "you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" kind of thing!
And, of course, your website visitors have a good experience, too, so it's a win-win situation, and all down to you making sure you've used the core principles of SEO to make your website easy to use.
Improved Customer Experience – SEO improves customer experience by making it easier for them to find what they're looking for.
Reason 7: SEO Builds Better Brand Awareness
A central tenet of SEO is creating useful content visitors to your website will actually use.
Content that is valuable and that answers their questions and genuinely serves a purpose.
This kind of content establishes you as an expert in your niche Look; we're not talking PhD stuff here; you just need to be able to answer the questions your target market is asking on your website and in your blogs, and the keyword research you'll do and the optimisation principles you'll use help you do just that.
Not only that, when you know what you're talking about and you've got an SEO-optimised content strategy, you'll be able to turn up consistently, talking about issues that your target audience wants to hear about, which of course, builds the know, like and trust factor that is so essential in building your brand.
Convinced your business needs SEO now?
Now you know how powerful SEO is, and why your business needs SEO, I hope you'll start implementing some of the core principles.
SEO will help you build your brand, reduce your marketing spend, boost conversions, increase traffic, get more leads, improve the experience people have when they visit your website and most importantly, get you seen online.
Once you're being seen, you're in the game, and the sky is your limit!
So, what's stopping you? It's time to get your website optimised.
But I know taking those first steps can feel overwhelming, and knowing where to start can be really confusing, so why don't you read another article I've written for you that talks you through the major principles of SEO and how to get started.
And, of course, if I can be of any more help to you, drop me a line; I'd be thrilled to hear from you.
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